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It's the most wonderful time of year!
You know,  that time when a lot of people find that their fitness habits start to slide…

Does this ring any (holiday) bells?


  • “I’ll just push the workout tomorrow...” *feels guilty*

  • “I missed my workout today because the kids had a holiday concert after school.”

  • “I can’t find time to fit in a workout with these year-end deadlines at work.”

We are approaching the end of another tough year

and energy levels might be low and busy-ness might be high BUT...

​I've got a gift for you: 

A way for you to make exercise - and feeling GOOD - fit into your

life and support you through this holiday season.

Let me show you how.

The 12 Days of Fitmas Challenge


  • Starting December 1st a new exercise will be introduced (via Private Facebook Group) each day for 12 days - just like the song "The 12 Days of Christmas"!

  • The exercises will gently increase daily (ie. 1 exercise on the First Day, 2 exercises on the Second Day, and so on...) until you have a full circuit of 12 exercises on the Twelfth Day.


  • Access to a private Facebook Group where you'll check-in to log your workout, find some gentle accountability and the chance to win PRIZES for just showing up!

  • Expert fitness coaching. Take advantage of the support my 1:1 and Group Coaching clients count on.


The 12 Days of Fitmas Challenge is only $12 for 12 Days!


Hi, I'm Jen!

I’m a mom, Fitness Coach and Clinical Exercise Physiologist specializing in prenatal and postnatal exercise.

Supporting women to move their body throughout pregnancy and helping them restore their STRENGTH and CONFIDENCE postpartum through exercise has transformed my life.


When it comes to exercising during pregnancy, postpartum and into the early years of parenthood, the information out there is confusing. There is so much pressure out there to “get your body back” or erase any evidence of ever being pregnant in the first place.

It can feel so overwhelming and unachievable.


I've experienced firsthand what it feels like to slowly add exercise back into my routine after both of my boys were born - it’s humbling and frustrating. This is where I’ve learned that, when it comes to movement, the first step begins with a shift in your MINDSET.


And more than anything else, I want to share that with YOU!


If you're newly pregnant, ready to pop, recently postpartum or anywhere in those first 5 years of parenthood, you owe it to yourself.


Take this opportunity to see what it feels like to build back a strong foundation to support your active lifestyle and feel confident that you CAN return to doing the things you love.

Don't take my word for it! check out what previous participants have gained from the challenge:

During the 12 Days of Fitmas I will help you:

  • Fit in movement by sneaking it into your day

  • Progress your fitness and increase the challenge gradually by adding one new body weight exercise each day

  • Boost your energy through movement to keep up with all of the festivities in your schedule

  • Be a part of a supportive group that will help you to stick with the challenge until the end

  • Get the coaching you need to maintain your habit of movement through this wild season

PLUS join us for a LIVE online workout on Tuesday, December 12 @ 12:00pm MST

where I will coach you through all 12 exercises!

The 12 Days of Fitmas Challenge only comes around during the holidays!


I can’t wait to see you at the event of the season.


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