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Jen's Musings

Jennifer Abbott
Mar 12, 20225 min read
My Embarrassing Prolapse
For some people, this is a sensitive topic. It can feel embarrassing to discuss and the symptoms can cause people to withdraw from...

Jennifer Abbott
Nov 20, 20215 min read
I'm still not "back" at 2 years postpartum
On November 19 my youngest son turned two making me two years postpartum from my second pregnancy. Some would argue that you're no longer...

Jennifer Abbott
Oct 12, 20215 min read
3 Tips for Postpartum Low Back Pain Relief
In the process of recovering from birth - regardless of the type of birth - low back pain can be a persistent (and super annoying)...

Jennifer Abbott
Aug 3, 20217 min read
When the pressure to "bounce back" is too much
When did our postpartum bodies become the primary concern of celebrity gossip?

Jennifer Abbott
Jul 13, 20215 min read
Did someone say cookies?
This recipe came to fruition as a result of my breastfeeding journey with my son. I wasn't even aware that low milk supply was even a thing.

Jennifer Abbott
Jul 6, 20216 min read
6 Tips for Working Out with Toddlers
Does this sound familiar? I don't have time to workout for an hour so there's no point. My kids won't leave me alone when I try to...

Jennifer Abbott
Jun 27, 20219 min read
I was terrified to have another baby...
This is the second part of my postpartum story. If you missed the first part of the story you can head back to Part 1 now and then come...

Jennifer Abbott
Jun 14, 20216 min read
But what if I can't fall asleep when the baby sleeps?
I'm pretty sure EVERY mother has been given the unsolicited advice to "sleep when the baby sleeps" by medical professionals, family...

Jennifer Abbott
Jun 1, 20218 min read
Did I make a mistake?
This is Part 1 of my story. I'm choosing to share in two parts because I've had two very different postpartum experiences - and yet both...

Jennifer Abbott
Dec 22, 20203 min read
Why I DON'T Make New Year's Resolutions
Have you ever set a New Year's resolution to lose weight, workout more or eat healthier? How did it go?

Jennifer Abbott
Dec 1, 20202 min read
You Matter Momma
I see you. I see how hard you work. I see how much you love your small human(s). I see your struggle.
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